bootpack - / buːtpæk / -
noun verb
In the world of FreeRide the bootpack or booter is a single lane ascent route or trail kicked into the snow. Bootpacking is almost always harder and more exhausting than skinning but sometimes it's the only way to get to where you need to be. Since most bootpacks are in steep terrain you may also need some additional gear such as crampons and/or an ice axe. Depending on the conditions, booting will either make you feel like a FreeRide Hero or make you wish you'd spent more time working on your quads in the off-season. As with most things in life there are rules for successful bootpacking. The most important of which is, no matter how narrow the trail, don't pee in the bootpack.
\\ WTF! Yellow snow in the boot pack!!
Also known as:
boot packing