freeride terrain - / ˈfri: raɪd teˈreɪn / -
Natural, un-groomed terrain used for skiing or boarding. In the world of FreeRide there is no disputing that the magic happens in FreeRide terrain, or 'off-piste' but our understanding of off-piste differs from one continent to another. It's important to know the differences.
In North America and Asia, off-piste tends to refer to terrain outside the resort boundary - hence uncontrolled mountain and un-patrolled terrain. Within the resort boundary (see also in-bounds terrain) the ski patrol secures not only the marked pistes and trails but also un-groomed terrain where the snow has not been subject to mechanical compaction or alteration (see also Grooming). In Europe there is generally no resort boundary and the ski patrol only secures marked pistes and trails. Even 10 metres beyond the piste markers is considered off-piste and is not secured.
In Europe you ride beyond the piste markers at your own risk. In North America and Asia you ride beyond the resort boundary at your own risk.
\\ Tomorrow afternoon the avi should be down to 2, maybe time to consider some freeride terrain around the back of Sainte Foy.
Also known as:
uncontrolled mountain
un-patrolled mountain
back side