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LEXICON: touring binding

Lexicon: Touring Binding
touring binding - / ˈtʊərɪŋ ˈbaɪndɪŋ / - noun
Generic term for bindings that aid travel uphill as well as down. They fall into three categories pin / tech, frame and hybrid. AT ski bindings allow you to temporarily alter your set-up, so you can lift your heels whilst moving uphill and then lock your boots back in place to allow you to ski downhill. These bindings are used in combination with climbing skins and alpine touring boots. AT bindings make travelling through snowy ground fast and efficient. Originally only available in pin / tech form, more recently they come in an expanding menu of flavours.

\\ I've mounted some touring bindings on my Ranger 102s. I think this'll give me an ideal setup for our hut trip....

Also known as:
alpine touring binding at binding ski touring binding

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