Méribel, France | FreeRide Sector: Tougnete
Ride Date:
26 Mar 23Snow conditions:
PowPowAvalanche level:
3 - ConsiderableTerrain:
Front countryWeather conditions:
Partly CloudyPrecipitation:
ClearElevation entry point:
2300mElevation exit point:
North EastMax slope angle:
Under 30 degreesDrop in:
Ridge DropExit:
Ski outOften overlooked due to the intimidating cliff warning signs this line tracks the right hand side of the Ecureuil piste accessed from the top of the Tougnete 2 lift.
It's essential to scope this line from the Tougnette 2 chair as you ascend to the ridge. You're looking for a small tree lined bowl that you will be dropping into from the ridge above. Go too far right and you risk falling through rocks onto the Combe Tougnete piste. From the top of the lift make your way down the path past the piste security hut to the start of the Ecureuil piste. Stay high and right as you enter the piste, keeping as close to the cliff warning signs as you dare.
What 3 Words entry point
///confidently.supercharged.watershedsWhat 3 Words exit point
///slowness.petitioning.snipsNo specialist tech required but TSP are essential as you will be dropping into a small tree lined bowl that could potentially form a terrain trap in the event of a slide.
Riding this close to the cliff warning signs is bound to quicken the pulse but, if you scoped the line on the ascent, when the bowl reveals itself in all its FreeRide glory the pay off will be more than worth it.
While it may feel exposed, so long as you don't stray beyond the cliff warning signs, this is not an especially gnarly line.
This is such an awesome line mainly because it's hiding in plain sight! Easily visible from the Tougnete 2 chairlift it's not so easy to spot from the ground and requires a degree of faith to track around the rock band onto it.
Route to treelined bowl keeping the cliff warning signs on skier's right - as seen from Tougnete 2 chairlift.
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Hey Planker1, do you have photos of the entry point?
Sorry Buddy, I do not – but I’ll be back next season and will update my post with a photo.