Courchevel, France | FreeRide Sector: Roc Mugnier
Ride Date:
14 Feb 19Snow conditions:
HeroAvalanche level:
3 - ConsiderableTerrain:
Front countryWeather conditions:
ClearElevation entry point:
2400mElevation exit point:
WestMax slope angle:
Between 30 and 45 degreesDrop in:
Ski outSpectacular FreeRide zone right off the top of the Chanrossa Telesiege.
Under the imposing rock buttresses of the west face of the Crete de Plan Mugnier lies one of the finest FreeRide zones in Courchevel. It's so good and so easy to get into that it doesn't last long after fresh snowfall.
To access the line simply traverse round from the top of the Chanrossa chair. Scope on the way up to determine where on the face you want to drop in and where you want to exit onto the Creux piste below. Beware however, that the further north you traverse, away from the chairlift, the more rocky and stony the traverse line gets. Keep your speed down to avoid damaging your ride.
No specialist tech is required but bear in mind this is off-piste, take all necessary precautions and be sure to carry the appropriate gear.
If you're lucky enough to get a fresh line on this face then you're very lucky indeed and the memory will keep you stoked for many days afterwards.
The line becomes more technical the further north you travel on the traverse. Beware of avalanches and sluffs forming in the many chutes and couloirs above you. These are natural single point triggers but are common and can be quite large.
If you haven't ridden this line before (and why else would you be reading this) then you're in for a treat. The west face of the Crete de Plan Mugnier is a sight to behold, to ride the lines below is to feast on the very elixir of FreeRide.
The ethereal west face of the Crete de Plan Mugnier with the earthly Chanrossa chairlift on the right of the photo.
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We scored fresh tracks in the northern end of the west face this afternoon (10/03/25). There’s a big glide crack opening up so be careful folks.