Ride Date:
23 Jan 24Snow conditions:
VariableAvalanche level:
3 - ConsiderableTerrain:
Front countryWeather conditions:
ClearElevation entry point:
2600mElevation exit point:
North EastMax slope angle:
Between 30 and 45 degreesDrop in:
Ski outThis is a classic and popular Courchevel FreeRide line with super easy access straight off of the Suisse chair and running parallel to the Suisse piste, hence the name. Loads of options for fresh tracks on a powder day which turns into a classic bump run once its been tracked out.
Head up the Suisse chair to scope the whole line as it runs under you on both sides. Near the top of the chair the line comes from the right and you can see the various entry points, the steepest being directly under the chair.
Access is super easy. Exit the chair to the right and if you are looking good take the photo opportunity with Mont Blanc on the horizon. The various entry points are just beyond the signs and photo frame. A wide terrain with lots of options on a powder day to head right and over the knoll to the piste at any point, or to stay left under the chair through a narrower funnel and more lines which join the same piste further down.
What 3 Words entry point
///unburied.protester.monochromeWhat 3 Words exit point
///introducing.mascara.acknowledgeTSP and good knowledge of the avalanche level and risk are all you need, although there are some rock features to be aware of if you stay left under the chair to other lines further down. As access is super easy this line gets tracked out fairly quickly but turns into a really fun bump run at the top with opportunity to find some fresh track turns further down as the day goes on. The best light is in the morning, especially early season.
This is a feel good line that you'll want to lap again and again as it's so easy to access, with a direct and fast chair back up and fun whether its fresh tracks, skied out or bumps. There's a little bit of pressure as you have the audience of the chair to show off to, but if you nail it that's some extra stoke. I love that you can really let your skis (or board) go and smile all the way down.
In comparison to the actual Suisse Wall - Le Pas de Chavanette in the Portes du Soleil - this is gentle. While the entry point here is of a similar steepness that's where the comparison ends as Le Pas de Chavanette is maintained as a mogul field where the bumps are huge and the run remains steep. There are no notable rock features or drops and if you fall there shouldn't be too much damage other than to your pride from the inevitable cheers from the chair above.
The view from the top of the chair over to Mont Blanc merits a Courchevel 'photo opportunity’ but otherwise just enjoy the ride.
Entry points just beyond here.
The top part of the line is the steepest. Great fun even in choppy variable conditions.
Looking back up under the Suisse chair.
Options to riders right under the chair and back to the piste - early on or over the knoll in the middle distance. Or to stay left following the chair to more lines below.
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Riding today with Lee from Snoworks.co.uk who shared a nice little drop through some rocks into the line. Duck under the rope between the Swiss and Marmot chairs and follow your nose to a little drop in with the Swiss chair on skiers left. The drop through is super fun and gives you access to fresh pow that doesn’t get tracked as quickly as the rest of the line. Don’t linger at the drop in or the lift operator will have words!
Thanks for the intel – I’ve never taken that line but will do in the future.
Today, on an unexpected April POW day (Avi 2/5) we dropped into the Suisse bowl from a solid icy wind lip. This was from riders left at the first opportunity as you descend the Marmottes piste – it was a real treat.
Also nice not have any real concern about the stability of the wind lip / cornice – you could have parked a camper or two on that thing.