Courchevel, France | FreeRide Sector: Roc Mugnier
Ride Date:
24 Jan 25Snow conditions:
SoftAvalanche level:
2 - ModerateTerrain:
Side countryWeather conditions:
ClearElevation entry point:
2200mElevation exit point:
NorthMax slope angle:
Between 30 and 45 degreesDrop in:
Ridge DropExit:
Ski outChallenging descent through a steep and narrow entry point in full view of the Roc Mugnier chairlift.
As with all lines, it's a good idea to scope this one before committing. The best and easiest way to do this is from the Roc Mugnier chairlift. Look across to your right as the chair passes between pylons 8 through 10 to get the perfect view from top to bottom. In particular, note the rock band with distinctive tree that marks the drop in point you will need to navigate to. As you continue to ascend to the top station, follow the bluff round and it becomes pretty obvious where you will need to depart the Plan Mugnier blue piste rider's left and follow the path of least resistance as you skin up onto the Plan Mugnier itself. Fortunately, it's a short, easy skin that should take no more than 10- 15 minutes.
Getting off the Plan Mugnier is slightly more tricky as there are only a few exit points down onto the Roc Mugnier red piste below and it is very easy to get lost. It's essential you know exactly where to drop. Getting it wrong will have negative consequences that will likely spoil your day. See the photo below that will help to orient you to the right spot in conjunction with the what3words reference.
What 3 Words entry point
///assessed.accountancy.overloadedWhat 3 Words exit point
///outdoes.entrusted.bipedsYou'll need your full FreeRide set up plus touring skins for this one. It's also wise to have a map and/or GPS device to which you have logged the drop-in location in advance.
Dropping through the narrow entry point into this line should get the pulse racing. The turns below, in full view of the Roc Mugnier chairlift, will keep your stoke meter red lining but it's short and sweet. Before you know it, you'll be back on the piste with the in-bounds crowd.
This line has consequences. Screwing up your navigation could seriously damage your health. The topography of the plateau onto which you ascend is constantly changing with each new snowfall - much more so than is usually the case. This is further compouded by poor GPS accuracy and consequently it is very easy to become disoriented. If you're not comfortable navigating, this line may not be the right one for you. If you do get lost, be prepared to turn back and return by the route you came in. In addition to the navigational challenges, a fall on this line could also lead to an injury as there are a number of hazards in the descent line such as trees and rocks.
There's no need to rush into the drop in. The Plan Mugnier might be a bit of a navigational nightmare but it's also a magical place of rolling snowfields dotted with ancient stunted trees that somehow survive in this exposed and windswept spot. It also boasts some of the best views of the Breche Portetta. Once you've skinned up to the plateau it's worth lingering awhile to soak up the vibe. It's a special place only a lucky few get to enjoy.
The distinctive rocky outcrop and tree that mark the entrance to the line.
Dropping in. 📷 Goodshitskier.
The line from top to bottom as seem from the Roc Mugnier chairlift.
The skin track 📷 Goodshitskier.
Waiting to drop. The Roc Mugnier chairlift is visible in the middle distance. 📷 Powdabunga.
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Really enjoyed this and a nice linkup following on from ‘Tiptop’. Short skin and you’re on the Plan Mugnier which is a lovely picknick spot. It’s a steep and narrow drop in but a slightly less gnarly way in just to the right, I took this with the excuse of being the photographer.
It was gleaming. Thanks for your company and the great photos. Next time we should link Tip Top, Combe des Chamois (https://freeride-republic.com/rides/la-combe-des-chamois/) and the Roc Mugnier North Face. That would be an awesome FreeRide day out.